MEC David Maynier tables Western Cape Provincial Economic Review and Outlook, 30 Sept


On Thursday, 30 September 2021, the Minister for Finance and Economic Opportunities, David Maynier, will be tabling the Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament.
The PERO is an annual economic research publication produced by the Provincial Treasury and aimed at informing policy-makers, departments and municipalities on key economic issues. It is a valuable source of economic intelligence that will guide the policy, planning and budgeting processes to ensure service delivery for all the people in the Western Cape, and as such provide a taste of what’s to come in the 2021 Western Cape Medium Term Budget Policy Statement.
These world-class documents contain a review and analysis of economic growth, sectoral developments, labour market dynamics and socio-economic developments across the Western Cape, considering the impact of global and national developments on the provincial economy. The PERO also aprovides valuable insights on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global, national and provincial economies, and importantly, looks at unique opportunities for growth and investment in the province as we look towards rebuilding our economy in the Western Cape. For this reason the PERO also provides valuable data and insights for media, business leaders, economists and those looking for investment opportunities in the Western Cape.
Minister Maynier would like to invite all interested media and members of the public to watch the livestream of the sitting of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament at which the PERO will be tabled.

Source: Government of South Africa


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