MEC David Maynier on 37 000 more created jobs in Western Cape


We welcome 37 000 more jobs in the Western Cape
Too many people, especially young people, do not have jobs, or have given up looking for jobs, in the Western Cape.

However, we welcome the fact that 37 000 more jobs have been created quarter-on-quarter and that we have the lowest expanded unemployment rate in the Western Cape.

The Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the fourth quarter of 2021, released by Statistics South Africa today (29 March 2022), records employment growth of 37 000 quarter-on-quarter and records the lowest expanded unemployment rate of 30.4% in the Western Cape.

Which is credit to businesses, who have been hit hard by the pandemic, and who are working hard to recover, and which is why we remain committed to backing business to drive economic growth and job creation in the Western Cape.

Source: Government of South Africa


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