MCA Launches Free Tractor Services Ahead Of Planting Season

Lumakanda Ward Representative, in Lugari Constituency, Bernard Bokanda, has launched free tractor services targeting widows and vulnerable residents ahead of the forthcoming planting season.

Speaking during the launch at Lumakanda trading centre, Bokanda said

the free tractor services will enable many poverty ridden residents embark on farming.

At the moment private tractor services are charging between Sh.3000 to Sh.3500 to plough an acre in Lugari.

Bokanda noted he is determined to fulfill all his August 2022 campaign pledges for the benefit of residents.

He said: “The first one was to buy a van to assist residents of Lumakanda whenever they need transport. The second one is this tractor we are launching today which I had promised farmers in the ward. We all know Lugari is the food basket of Kakamega County. My main objective is to ensure we have a way of assisting farmers to access cheap farming services and increase production. I am sure if we have adequate food we shall be able to eradicate poverty,” he said.

He said his family has sacrificed a lot to purchase the tractor for the sake of Lumakanda community especially those needy.

“Priority will be given to poor widowed women whose farms will now be tilled at zero cost.

“The second category will be the vulnerable who have been leasing out their pieces of land to rich people for many years at a cheaper price. Let them now stop leasing out their land. We shall now be tilling their farms for free. Theirs is just to plant. “He explained.

Bokanda said Lumakanda ward should now be at the forefront in farming ahead of other wards in the county now that they have a tractor and the county government is providing subsidized fertilizer; at Sh.2900 per 50kg bag.

Lugari Constituency Manager Rajab Mukolwe lauded the MCA for the initiative saying it will immensely assist the vulnerable community members.

Mwamba Location Chief Edwin Ashirobe also lauded the MCA for the tractor saying it will play a great role in fighting poverty in the ward.

He said residents have been complaining every time there is a crackdown on illicit brews that they have no other source of income to complement them in farming.

He said: “However, now that we have a tractor, I believe they will now be able to farm without relying on cash from illicit brews, ”said the chief.

He added: “I want to appeal to those who have been depending on the illicit liquor to come out so that they can be guided accordingly to shift to other sources of income other than selling liquor which is destroying our youths.”

Residents present thanked the MCA saying they will no longer lease out their pieces of land as they will be able to farm with ease.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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