Mbumba Names New Envoys to Brazil, Senegal, and Botswana

Windhoek—President Nangolo Mbumba announced the appointment of three new ambassadors to Brazil, Senegal, and Botswana, aiming to bolster Namibia’s diplomatic presence and pursue economic opportunities abroad.

According to Namibia Press Agency, Selma Nghinamundova, Richard Tsandib, and Elizabeth Kakukuru have been named as the new diplomatic representatives to Brazil, Senegal, and Botswana, respectively. Nghinamundova will replace Mbapeua Muvangua in Brazil, Tsandib takes over from Elvis Shiweda in Senegal, and Kakukuru succeeds as the new high commissioner to Botswana.

President Mbumba emphasized the critical role these ambassadors play in representing Namibia’s national interests and the wellbeing of its people. He highlighted the importance of their duties aligning with the country’s developmental agenda and foreign policy, which extends from domestic policy focusing on the socio-economic wellbeing of the populace. The newly appointed envoys have committed to upholding and defending Namibia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity through their oath.

Furthermore, the president expects the ambassadors to actively promote Namibia’s economic potentials and developments to their host countries, maintain high standards of integrity, and enhance Namibia’s global competitiveness and image. He also tasked them with finding niche markets for local products and serving Namibian nationals abroad with courtesy and diligence.

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