Mauritania President Highlights Need for Increased Int’l Support to Mitigating Effects of Climate Change


Addis Ababa: President Muhammad Ould Ghazouani of Mauritania and the outgoing Chairperson of the African Union (AU) stressed the critical importance of addressing climate change and advocating for increased international support in mitigating its adverse effects.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the President concluded his tenure as Chairperson of the AU with a farewell address at the 2025 AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He handed over the chairmanship to the President of Angola, Joo Manuel Gon§alves Louren§o.

During his address, President Ghazouani highlighted his priorities during his term, which included peace and security across the continent. He actively engaged in conflict resolution efforts in countries such as Sudan, Libya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Additionally, President Ghazouani focused on the economic development of Africa. He secured significant financial commitments from international partners and prioritized agricultural development to enhance food security.

He also recognized the critical importance of addressing climate change and advocated for increased international support to mitigate its adverse effects.

Moreover, President Ghazouani championed institutional reforms within the AU. He emphasized the need for equitable leadership distribution and advocated for increased African representation in global governance.

In his concluding remarks, he expressed confidence that the AU, under President Louren§o’s leadership, would continue to strive towards achieving the goals outlined in Agenda 2063.