Masai Mara Hotels Report Full Bookings Ahead of Festive Season

MASAI MARA – The Masai Mara National Reserve, known for its spectacular wildlife and natural beauty, is witnessing a surge in tourism this festive season. Hoteliers within the reserve are experiencing significant profits, with most hotels, lodges, and camps reporting full bookings ahead of Christmas and New Year celebrations.

According to Kenya New Agency, the reserve has been in its high season since July, coinciding with the wildebeest migration season. Maina noted that unlike previous years impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, 2023 has seen a remarkable increase in tourism, with a steady influx of visitors to the hotel.

As Christmas and New Year’s Eve approach, Maina anticipates a further rise in tourist numbers and assures that the hotel is fully prepared to accommodate the influx. He pointed out that this year has seen a notable increase in domestic tourism, a change from previous years when the number of domestic tourists was relatively low.

Maina highlighted that most domestic tourists at the Sarova Mara Cave Camp are newlywed couples or families on holiday. He encourages more domestic tourists to visit the game reserve to enjoy its rich fauna and flora. The camp offers a comprehensive package, including accommodation, recreational activities, and dining experiences, and has undergone renovations to enhance guest satisfaction.

Praising the county government’s efforts, Maina lauded the improved road network within the park and enhanced security measures, creating a conducive environment for tourists.

The Reserve’s Chief Park Warden, Stephen Minis, also extended a welcome to visitors from all backgrounds. He informed that over 300 game rangers have been deployed to patrol the park, ensuring the safety of visitors. Minis emphasized the importance of adhering to park rules, warning that violation of guidelines, such as overspeeding, littering, or scaring animals, could lead to arrest and prosecution.

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