Malindi Government Cracks Down on Charcoal Burning and Transportation

Malindi, Kenya – The government is taking a firm stance against charcoal burning and transportation in Malindi sub-county, particularly in the Langobaya division, due to its adverse impact on forest cover. Malindi Deputy County Commissioner David Lusava, leading a tree planting exercise at the Malindi GK Prison farm, warned residents engaged in these practices that they would face legal consequences. Lusava urged the community to find alternative income sources and replant trees to restore the area’s forest cover.

According to Kenya News Agency, charcoal burning and transportation are prevalent due to a lack of forest rangers, but the recent deployment of new rangers is expected to help address this issue. Over 4,000 tree seedlings were planted during the event, co-sponsored by the Judiciary in Malindi and Malindi GK Prison. Additionally, more than 4,000 seedlings were planted in Langobaya, with another 1,000 at Mida Creek. Local leaders, including Malindi Town Ward MCA Rashid Odhiambo and Kakuyuni Ward MCA Morris Dadu Hinzano, emphasized the importance of collaboration in tackling deforestation, expressing optimism for achieving the desired forest cover under President William Ruto’s leadership.

Sultan Omar Sharrif of the Bajuni Community and Malindi community leader Mohamed Famau called for the government to provide affordable energy alternatives to charcoal and firewood. They also suggested using national holidays for tree planting. Malindi Environment and Land Court Judge Mwangi Njoroge encouraged residents to use the court system to protect the environment.

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