Malindi Advocates for Revamp of Government Printing Services

MALINDI – Residents of Malindi, led by former Mayor Patterson Kafulo, urged the Kenyan government to upgrade the Government Press for the local production of essential documents, including passports, national exams, election materials, and currency notes. The call to action arose from concerns over the unnecessary expenditure on foreign printing services when these could be efficiently handled within the country.

According to Kenya News Agency, who spoke at the Nidhamia Hall during a public review of the Draft Government Press Policy 2023, the current reliance on international services for printing such critical documents is a costly affair. The policy discussion, facilitated by the Presidential Taskforce on the Modernization and Transformation of the Government Press, sought to formulate a strategic policy framework for establishing a state-of-the-art Government Press in Kenya.

Kafulo highlighted the capability of other African nations, like Ghana, South Africa, and Egypt, to self-sufficiently print government documents. He pointed out the recent passport issuance crisis in Kenya as an issue that could have been averted through a national printing service.

Further supporting the modernization initiative, Kafulo emphasized the significant savings and developmental benefits that would follow the investment in a modern Government Press. He shared a personal account of his son, a maritime engineer, missing employment opportunities due to the long wait for passport issuance.

Collins Kiprono, leading the taskforce team, expressed appreciation for the residents’ insights, including suggestions to decentralize the distribution of government-printed documents. He assured that with a modern Government Press, efficiency in printing and distribution would be greatly improved, ensuring timely access to important documents for Kenyans.

The forum was attended by various members of the task force and Malindi Deputy County Commissioner David Lusava, signaling a collaborative effort towards redefining Kenya’s approach to government printing services.

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