Malian President Goïta Asserts “Mission Not Completed” After Recapture of Kidal

Ouagadougou – Colonel Assimi Goïta, the Malian head of state, expressed gratitude to Allah and praised the bravery of the Malian armed forces following the successful recapture of Kidal this Tuesday. Despite this victory, he emphasized that the mission is far from over, with the broader goal of liberating the entire country from terrorist control.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the operation in Kidal aligns with United Nations Resolution 2690 (2023). “Our forces have successfully taken control of Kidal after inflicting heavy losses on the enemy,” he said. Goïta stressed the ongoing commitment to reclaim and secure Mali’s territorial integrity in line with Security Council resolutions. He also paid tribute to the civilian and military personnel who lost their lives in the conflict and commended the resilience of the Malian people.

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