Mali: Flow Monitoring Report 76 (May 2022)


IOM, through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring tool, collects data at key entry, exit and transit points to better understand population movements across West and Central Africa. Monitoring population flows is an activity that makes it possible to quantify and qualify mobility flows and trends, migrant profiles, and migratory experiences and routes. Since 2016, several population flow monitoring points (FMP) have been gradually installed in ten localities across Mali to monitor migratory flows in the country. Particular emphasis is placed on monitoring seasonal migrants (agricultural and traditional gold panning) at the level of the FMPs concerned by this category of migration.

During the month of May 2022, 45,037 flows were observed at the cross-border Flow Monitoring Points (25,922 incoming flows entering Mali through the FMPs and 19115 outgoing flows leaving Mali).


During the month of May, migratory movements increased by 19% compared to the previous month. This increase mainly concerns FMP in the south, due to the high mobility of Burkinabe nationals from localities in a situation of insecurity to gold mining sites in Mali. Flows to Mali and Burkina Faso increased by 18% and 23% respectively compared to April. However, those destined for Algeria and Mauritania decreased respectively by 9% and 20% compared to April. A large part (more than 73%) of the flows to Mali goes mainly to Bamako (73%) and Sikasso (23%) and hopes to go to gold mining sites in the Kayes, Koulikoro and Sikasso regions. As for the flow towards Burkina Faso, the regions of Bobo-Dioulasso (55%) and Ouagadougou (45%), were the main destinations. The decreases of flows towards Mauritania and Algeria could be linked to information about the many cases of migrants turned back or forced to return, recorded in April. This fear of facing identity document checks and harsh weather conditions in the desert has impacted migrants’ mobility intentions. The main countries of origin of recorded flows remain Burkina Faso (52%) and Mali (42%).

Source: International Organization for Migration