Malawi Household Food Security Bulletin | Mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM) on the Effects of COVID-19 in Malawi Round 20: 7th December 2021 – 5th January 2022



• The high proportion of households with acceptable food consumption coupled with the low proportion of households with poor consumption indicates a stable food security situation in the current round.

There are early signs of deteriorating food security as observed by the increase in the proportion of households that are employing moderately severe consumption-based coping strategies and a further reduction in the proportion of households who are not employing any consumption -based coping strategies.

• The proportion of households who are employing emergency and crisis livelihoods-based coping strategies decreased, while the proportion of households not employing any livelihood-based coping strategies increased which suggests a stable food security situation in light of the late start of the lean season.

• Physical access to markets in this round of data collection remained high, similar to the previous round despite the uptick of the fourth wave of COVID-19 cases, as farmers are procuring farm inputs from markets for the growing season.

Source: World Food Programme