Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti Dies After Courtroom Attack

NAIROBI – Monica Kivuti, the Principal Magistrate at Makadara Law Courts, has succumbed to injuries sustained during a gun attack while presiding over a case. The incident, which also seriously injured a police officer, occurred last Thursday, and Magistrate Kivuti passed away while receiving treatment at Nairobi Hospital.

According to Kenya News Agency, the judiciary is mourning the loss of Magistrate Kivuti and is standing together during this profoundly difficult time. “I call for sensitivity and compassion as we share in grief,” Koome stated in a press release, adding that a more detailed statement would be issued following a judiciary leadership meeting.

The attack took place when the partner of an accused, reportedly dissatisfied with the magistrate’s judgement, opened fire in the courtroom. Following the incident, the judiciary initiated psychosocial support for its officers and staff at Makadara Law Courts, recognizing the trauma inflicted by the violence.

Chief Registrar Winfridah Mokaya convened a meeting at the Supreme Court Building to discuss the incident and its aftermath. Mokaya emphasized the need for enhanced security measures and infrastructure improvements to prevent such incidents in the future. “The security situation in Makadara is exacerbated by the judiciary’s infrastructural challenges; we call for adequate funding to address these needs as well as security for judicial officers,” Mokaya noted during the session.

The meeting, which included counseling sessions led by Dr. Rose Ngondi and a team of psychologists from Chiromo Hospital, aimed to address the emotional and psychological impacts on the judiciary staff. Chief Magistrate Tito Gesora echoed the call for increased security and infrastructure upgrades at Makadara Law Courts to ensure the safety of judicial officers.

The Judiciary’s Directorate of Human Resource Management and Development will continue offering psychosocial support to those affected in the coming week, as the legal community and the nation come to terms with this tragic loss.

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