Lusaka Introduces Staff Performance Contracting


Bungoma County Governor Kenneth Lusaka has introduced performance contracting at the County Assembly of Bungoma.
Lusaka said his administration will use this tool to measure the performance of the County Assembly staff.
Speaking at the assembly premises, the governor said that there is a need for a common tool to measure work and establish a cordial working relationship between the County Assembly and the executive.
Governor Lusaka called on county civil servants to execute their mandate diligently as a measure of performance.
He asked them to adhere to the code of regulations, adding, ‘Performance contracting enhances service delivery. It is good to set targets; what is measured gets done,’ he added.
He stressed the importance of creating synergy in service delivery, noting that his executive will work closely with the County Assembly to foster development and bring forth transformation.
Lusaka added that on August 7th, he appeared before the Senate to respond to some issues connected with the previous administration.
‘I was before the Senate early this week, and the issues that we were questioned about were the messes that were left by my predecessor,’ he said, adding that if there was a good measurement yardstick, such challenges could not have arisen.
Bungoma County Assembly Speaker Emmanuel Situma lauded the move by Governor Lusaka to introduce performance contracting, saying it will help measure the officers’ performance and hold them accountable.
Situma noted that the tool will guide the implementation of programmes, policies, and projects in line with budgetary commitments.

Source: Kenya News Agency