Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak Reported in Otjombinde Constituency


Otjombinde: The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform has announced an outbreak of lumpy skin disease in the Otjombinde Constituency of the Epukiro veterinary district. The ministry’s acting chief veterinary officer in the Department of Veterinary Services, Dr. Johannes Shoopala, stated that 73 cattle were diagnosed with the disease in the constituency.

According to Namibia Press Agency, Shoopala explained that lumpy skin disease is a viral disease transmitted by blood-feeding insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks. Affected cattle develop fever and eruptions of painful skin nodules that may cover the entire body. In extreme cases, secondary infection can worsen the disease condition.

The directorate has advised farmers across the country to vaccinate their cattle against lumpy skin disease, manage biting insects, and report any suspected cases to the nearest state veterinary services office as required by law. ‘It is crucial to control biting flies and ticks. Oil-based pour-on dips are preferable to provide lasting control,’ added the statement.