Loroum: a reforestation operation to support the Transition

Several people mobilized on Thursday August 17, 2023 on the site of the Loroum provincial high school in Titao to plant seedlings to support the transition.

For the organizers, this activity aims to support President Ibrahim Traoré for his determination to fight against terrorism.

The activity, which mobilized a large crowd, was attended by customary and religious authorities, the head of the detachment and the commander of the Titao territorial gendarmerie brigade.

“The tree is useful in more ways than one. It feeds us with its fruits, gives us wood and shade. It is therefore a good choice to carry out such an activity to bring our support to President Traoré so that peace returns. said Naaba Wadga, head of Titao.

The city of Titao is plagued by the terrorist hydra. In December 2021, the multiplication of attacks perpetrated by armed groups forced several people and the administration to move to Ouahigouya. The recent initiatives developed by the defense and security forces and the volunteers for the defense of the homeland have made it possible to organize school examinations for the CEP and the BEPC and to transport food there through secure convoys.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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