Local Traditional Baskets Gain Global Market Access Through Strategic Partnerships

Kitui – Kyalo Kya Maendeeo (KKM), a renowned community-based organization in Kitui, has partnered with Kitui County Government, the United Nations, and a German investor to secure a global market for locally crafted Kamba baskets. This collaboration aims to economically empower hundreds of women engaged in weaving traditional baskets.

According to Kenya News Agency, speaking at the partnership’s official groundbreaking ceremony in Ngiini village, KKM CBO founder Mr. Augustine Kyalo Muli expressed optimism about this economic empowerment initiative for rural women. “The primary objective of this alliance is to secure a robust market for the contemporary woven basket crafted by women groups across Kitui county,” said Mr. Augustine Kyalo.

The partnership follows KKM’s recent participation in the Nairobi International Trade Fair, where its modern basket weaving innovation garnered attention from international actors, including the German investor and the United Nations. Representatives from the four strategic partners – KKM, Kitui County Government, the United Nations, and the German investor – pledged to promote the baskets in international markets, enhancing socio-economic empowerment for the women and artisans in Kitui.

Kitui County Committee Member for Trade, Mrs. Rose Mawia, affirmed the county government’s support for initiatives that empower women and local artisans, aligning with Governor Dr. Julius Malombe’s manifesto. The international market access for these baskets promises significant economic empowerment and improved living standards for thousands of women in the region.

Basket weaving is a key income-generating activity for women groups in Kitui, but market access has been a major challenge. This new partnership marks a significant breakthrough, offering new opportunities and growth for the local basket weaving industry.

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