Lives in Dignity Grant Facility launches to mark World Refugee Day


The Lives in Dignity Grant Facility seeks to promote the resilience of affected populations and more effectively address situations of forced displacement by supporting projects that are innovative, sustainable, designed for the longer term and build on the capabilities of impacted communities. With €24 million in funding from the European Union (EU), the Facility is managed by UNOPS.
Forced displacement can last for years, sometimes decades, leaving people in an economically insecure and psychologically traumatic limbo. Host communities – the vast majority of whom are in developing countries – are frequently under-resourced and unable to meet the needs of displaced groups.
Humanitarian aid alone cannot effectively and comprehensively respond to the long-term needs of populations affected by displacement.
Partners of the Lives in Dignity Grant Facility work together to provide comprehensive solutions through existing platforms and frameworks – such as the Global Compact on Refugees, the Sustainable Development Goals, and national development plans and strategies, for example. Angela St. Jules – UNOPS Senior Project Manager for the Lives in Dignity Grant Facility
The Facility will provide seed funding to pilot projects in Asia, Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. The first call for proposals seeks out new forms of collaboration between actors working in the humanitarian, development and peace sectors, with an emphasis on local ownership and the engagement of affected communities.
“Communities forcibly displaced by conflict and natural disaster need long-term perspectives and hope for the future. With the Lives in Dignity Grant Facility and the whole-of-society response it promotes, the EU aims to establish effective development-oriented approaches to displacement crises and ensure hope and dignity to the people affected by them,” said European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen.
The Facility aims to develop a body of learning that can inform future approaches to forced displacement, and work to better respond to and support some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Source: UNOPS



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