Léo’s Special Delegation Reviews 2023 Achievements and Sets Goals for 2024

LÉO – On Saturday, February 3, 2024, the special delegation of the commune of Léo, led by President Kassoum Koalaga, convened to evaluate the accomplishments of the past year and to outline objectives for the upcoming year in a meeting attended by town hall staff and members of the delegation.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Secretary General of the Léo town hall, the gathering served as a reflective pause to assess the previous year’s activities and to strategize for 2024. He emphasized that the inclusion of municipal administration staff in the meeting was designed to bolster collaboration, unity, and cohesion within the municipal governance framework.

Ouédraogo highlighted the successful completion of tasks by all involved, contributing significantly to community development. He praised the synergy between the town hall staff and the special delegation, underlining its crucial role in advancing local development initiatives. President Koalaga lauded the efforts of the town hall staff, describing them as pivotal to the delegation’s success.

The year 2023 was marked by significant capacity building in local governance and infrastructure investment, according to Koalaga. Collaborations with the municipal administration, the state, and technical and financial partners facilitated the construction and rehabilitation of educational facilities, boreholes, and primary schools.

Looking ahead, the special delegation plans to continue enhancing public infrastructure, including street lighting and road development, strengthen the mobilization of local resources, and fully implement the Integrated Municipal Development Program (PDIC) focusing on environmental preservation and the refurbishment of socio-economic facilities.

Koalaga urged all stakeholders to increase their involvement to meet the set goals for 2024, recognizing the initiative’s role in identifying and addressing administrative challenges. He assured his commitment to improving the working and living conditions of the staff and encouraged them to work diligently towards fostering community development.

Highlighting the challenges ahead, Koalaga called for collective effort and determination to achieve the desired outcomes. The meeting concluded with the presentation of certificates of recognition to certain employees and members of the special delegation for their contributions to municipal development.

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