Leo’s Special Delegation Adopts Over 500 million FCFA Budget for 2024

Ouagadougou, the urban commune of Leo, located in Burkina Faso’s Sissili province, has adopted an initial management budget exceeding 500 million FCFA for the year 2024. This decision was made during the Special Delegation’s ordinary session, held on November 21 and 22, 2023, under the chairmanship of the commune’s chief, Kassoum Koalaga.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the session involved extensive discussions on various agenda points, including the examination and adoption of the 2024 management budget, local management charters for the Don and Koalaga collective sites, deliberations, and a presentation of the authorizing officer’s report. After detailed examination and amendment, the 2024 budget, totaling 519,776,369 FCFA, was unanimously adopted.

Saïdou Ouédraogo, Secretary General of the Leo town hall, presented reports on the commune’s status, including the financial situation and the execution of the special delegation’s deliberations. He highlighted the importance of creating a commission to monitor the implementation of decisions and deliberations.

The session also focused on the creation of a green brigade, a commission for public auction of impounded animals, and a youth service in urban communities. Additionally, the local management charters for the Don and Koalaga collective sites were examined and adopted, subject to amendments.

Mr. Ouédraogo informed the assembly about the successful renewal of village land commissions in Leo’s 19 villages, facilitated by financial support from the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization, and Security (MATDS). The session also touched upon the upcoming events in the commune, including the Municipal Integrated Development Plan launch and community days celebrations.

Kassoum Koalaga, the president of the special delegation, thanked the members for their active participation and emphasized the need for greater involvement in revenue mobilization. He expressed gratitude to NGO Tree-Aid for its support and urged sustainable management of forest resources by the local communities.

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