Leo’s special delegation: A first amending budget of 247,140,628 FCFA adopted

The special delegation of the municipality of Léo adopted in an extraordinary session on Monday, June 19, 2023 in the meeting room of the town hall, a first amending budget for management 2023 of 247,140,628 FCFA.

The members of the special delegation of the municipality of Léo met in an extraordinary budgetary session under the chairmanship of Kassoum Koalaga.

It reviewed and adopted the 2022 administrative and management account and the first 2023 management amending budget.

After presentation, the 2023 management amending budget is balanced in resources and revenue at the sum of 247,140,628 FCFA. It was adopted unanimously by the members of the special delegation present at the session.

But before, the administrative and management accounts were subject to examination before being adopted. The overall result from the two accounts is 145,093,230 FCFA.

A communication also allowed the delegates to take a deliberation on the creation of an ad-hoc commission for the clearance of urban land liabilities in Léo.

The delegates also ruled on the validation of the mandate of a member under the Catholic Church, in the person of Ernest Bassolet.

For the president of the special delegation of the municipality of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga, the first amending budget, management 2023 and the administrative and management accounts for the 2022 financial year were re-examined following observations during the validation session before the regional technical commission (Ctr ) in Koudougou.

these observations substantially changed the result because late penalties were not taken into account, he explained. He also indicated that in view of the entries into the treasury, certain receipts have also been revised downwards.

This budget was inspired by entries of March 31, which were twelve million francs out of a budget forecast of more than 300 million FCFA, Mr. Koalaga pointed out.

“We are at an evaluation of more than 54% of the recovery rate” rejoiced Mr. Koalaga. He pointed out that if this trend changes significantly, they will plan investments to the delight of the people.

In his opinion, this budget session comes at the right time in that it will allow them to have a budget that will reflect the reality on the ground.

The secretary general of the commune, Saïdou Ouédraogo brought to the attention of the members of the special delegation that the food of the Sonagess is intended for the indigent people.

He indicated that refueling mechanisms are being put in place for this purpose. He also informed the delegates that a birth certificate and CNIB establishment operation is being held from June 19 to 23 in Léo.

The operation arouses great enthusiasm, especially among the IDPs who have lost everything at home, he noted.

The president of the special delegation of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga informed the delegates that within the framework of the safeguard of the village forests of Don and Betiessan, the commune of Léo will benefit from a project of 200 million FCFA.

An implementation plan drawn up for this purpose by the design office will be adopted by the special delegation in the days to come, he indicated.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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