Laikipia Authorities Discover Illegal Donkey Meat Operation, Arrest One Suspect

Laikipia, Kenya — Laikipia County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri confirmed that 12 donkey heads were discovered dumped in a bush in Ngobit ward, raising concerns that residents might unknowingly be consuming donkey meat. Authorities have arrested one suspect, Amos Kiragu, believed to be behind the illicit trade.

According to the Kenya News Agency, the arrest followed tips from the public. A team of police officers and National Police Reservists apprehended Kiragu, who is suspected of purchasing donkeys in the Kona Mbaya area of Ngobit ward and slaughtering them. “He was involved in the purchase of donkeys in the Kona Mbaya area only for the heads and intestines to be dumped in the bush along the Ngobit River,” Kanyiri stated. He added that the suspect was expected to be arraigned in court.

Kanyiri also indicated that meat from the discovered carcasses was likely intended to be sold in major local towns. He cautioned residents against purchasing cheap, uninspected meat, warning that it could lead to the spread of zoonotic diseases. The county administrator also called on county veterinary offices to be vigilant against butchers retailing unauthorized meat.

The incident comes on the heels of recent warnings to Laikipia residents against purchasing game meat from several local areas due to an increase in dik-dik and antelope poaching.

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