La Sissili marches to support the Transition and the Combatant Forces

The youth of Sissili organized a march meeting in Léo on Saturday to express their support for the authorities of the Transition and the Combatant Forces.

Leaving from the Natou roundabout in sector 1 of Léo, several hundred demonstrators, mostly young people, marched through the main arteries of the city to show their support for the Transition and the Combatant Forces.

They then met at the starting point, a place set up to host the meeting.

According to the initiators, this march meeting aims to support unfailingly and unconditionally, the actions of the Transition for the return to peace in the country of honest men.

The speakers followed one another to reaffirm their total support for the authorities of the transition and to salute the active mobilization of all compatriots inside and outside, notably through their contributions to the war effort.

They also praised the combativeness of the soldiers and VDP which allowed some people to return to their localities.

The first leaders of the Burkina Faso-Russia Friendship Group (ABR), section of the province of Sissili, Asseni Ziba and Yacouba Ouédraogo welcomed the great mobilization of the population despite the rainy weather.

They also paid a vibrant tribute to all the traditional and customary leaders of the commune whose presence enhanced the brilliance of the ceremony.

A voluntary contribution made it possible to collect donations in cash and in kind for the benefit of the VDPs of the commune of Léo.

And to Mr. Ouédraogo to invite all Burkinabe to the sacred union behind Ibrahim Traoré who refused any submission and compromise to lay the real foundations for sustainable and endogenous development. Burkina Information Agency

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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