KVDA Advances Sahiwal Cattle Breeding in Samburu to Mitigate Drought Impact

Samburu, Kenya – The Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) has been actively promoting the Sahiwal cattle breed in Samburu County as part of its efforts to reduce livestock losses caused by drought. The initiative, which began in 2014 at Nomotio farm near Maralal town, aims to improve local cattle breeds with the hardy Sahiwal variety.

According to Kenya News Agency, the introduction of Sahiwal cows has significantly benefited the local farming community. The Sahiwal breed, known for its quick maturation and high-quality milk and meat production, has been a valuable addition to local herds. The breed’s resilience in semi-arid and arid conditions, coupled with its ability to produce high-quality milk and meat with limited resources, makes it an ideal choice for the region.

Thuranira noted that Nomotio farm currently houses 58 Sahiwal bulls and heifers. Annually, KVDA auctions about 10 to 12 two-year-old Sahiwal bulls and heifers at subsidized prices to local farmers. The prices range from Sh 60,000 to Sh 75,000 per animal, significantly lower than the market rates of Sh 120,000 to Sh 150,000. The focus on auctioning bulls is strategic, as one bull can service multiple heifers within a community.

However, the initiative faces challenges, particularly due to insecurity. Armed cattle rustlers targeting the farm pose a significant threat, often driving away with the animals. Despite a high rate of animal recovery, cattle rustling remains a major concern. Thuranira observed a reduction in these incidents over the last six months, attributed to ongoing security operations in the area.

The Sahiwal breed at Nomotio farm, characterized by its brownish-red coloration, is a type of zebu cow originally from Punjab, Pakistan.

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