KPSEA and KCSE Exams Commence Smoothly in Kericho County


KERICHO: A total of 26,551 Grade Six candidates in Kericho County began their Kenya Primary Schools Education Assessments (KPSEA) on Tuesday, marking the start of the national assessment period in the region. The exams are being conducted in 774 centers across the county, with a majority of candidates hailing from public primary schools.

According to Kenya News Agency, the number of candidates from public primary schools taking the assessments is 21,141, including 11,086 boys. In private schools, 5,410 candidates are participating, with 2,794 being boys. Mr. Julius Ngoneshi, the Kericho County Director of Education, confirmed that the examinations commenced without any hitches.

Ngoneshi also reported that the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams are underway for students in the county’s six sub-counties. There are 13,417 boys and 13,032 girls taking part in the KCSE exams. The candidates are sitting for technical subjects in Group 5, which include German, music, and French. Group 4 subjects
being examined include Home Science, Art and Design, Woodwork, Building Construction, Metalwork, Drawing and Design, and Electric and Aviation Technology.

Logistical arrangements are also in place for the distribution of examination materials. Tendeno and Tumaini secondary schools in Kipkelion East are obtaining their examination papers from Tamborao in Koibatek sub-county, located at the far end of Kericho. Meanwhile, Marinyiny Secondary School in Konoin, Bomet County, is collecting its examination materials from Kericho Town.