Kourweogo: Mamadou Rouamba takes over the reins of the provincial management in charge of infrastructure

The high commissioner of the Kourwéogo province, Siaka Barro, officially installed on June 25, 2024 in Boussé, the new provincial director in charge of Infrastructure. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the ministry and the provincial forces.

Appointed by the Council of Ministers at its meeting of May 22, 2024, the civil engineering design engineer, Mamadou Rouamba, took office at the head of the provincial directorate of infrastructure and access to Kourwéogo.

The provincial director entered and gave thanks to God for his support and kindness.

Mamadou Rouamba then reiterated his gratitude to his hierarchy for the trust placed in him. Addressing the constituted bodies of the province, he expressed his availability and his commitment to contribute his share of work to the consolidation and improvement of the achievements left by his predecessor.

With this in mind, he says he is counting on the frank contribution of his close collaborators but also the support of administrative authorities and
the wise support of opinion leaders in the province.

Finally, Mr. Rouamba congratulated the pioneers of the management for the sacrifices made while wishing the outgoing director a good career.

In his turn, the outgoing director, Thierry Moumoula paid tribute to the administrative authorities in particular to his regional director, Sombasséré Sawadogo for the attention he received in the conduct of his mission.

He indicated that he is more than a hierarchical leader, and said he found in him a close friend whose enlightened advice guided him during the four and a half years of interim work spent at Kourwéogo.

Mr. Moumoula thanked his colleagues for their dedication which allowed management to meet the challenge of carrying out urban development work, the construction of rural roads and infrastructure as part of the celebration of December 11, 2021.

The high commissioner of the province reassured the director of the availability of his services to accompany him throughout his missions in the province.

the outgoing interim director, he expressed the community’s thanks for the service rendered to the province while wishing him every success in his future missions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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