Koulpelogo: Great march of support and submission of grievances to the Transition

The population of the Koulpelogo province came out massively on Saturday, to support President Ibrahim Traoré, his government, the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the homeland (VDP), noted the AIB.

She also submitted grievances to the president and the government, namely the return of the administration to Koulpelogo and the restoration of electricity in the communes of Comin-Yanga, Yondé and Ouargaye which is the capital of the province.

The population marched from the police station to the gendarmerie brigade via the High Commission where a message was read and transmitted to the commander of the gendarmerie brigade, Ibrahima Ilboudo, to pass on to whomever it may concern.

The message was read by Issiaka Ouedraogo who announced that the quest initiated on site made it possible to mobilize 440,830 FCFA for the peace effort

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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