Kongoussi central market: Six shops gone up in smoke


Six shops in the central market of Kongoussi went up in smoke in the early morning of June 22, 2023, causing huge losses for the owners, noted the AIB on the spot.

Six shops located on the west side of the large Kongoussi market were decimated by a fire very early in the morning of Thursday June 22, 2023.

The shops concerned contained various products such as cereals, household appliances and many other items.

According to Prosper Ouédraogo, owner of one of the shops, it was around 4 a.m. that he was contacted that his shop caught fire.

“I immediately sent a child to go and check it out and when he arrived, he told me in tears that the damage was enormous. I rushed to the scene and found the population struggling to stop the fire from spreading. Personally, I had more than 120 bags of 100kg of maize inside and everything was consumed. Really it is deplorable,” he testified, his eyes wet.

Friday morning, a provincial delegation led by the secretary general of the province of Bam, Karim Ouédraogo, the first vice-president of the commune of Kongoussi, Etienne Sawadogo, the provincial president of the chamber of commerce of Bam, Adama Ouédraogo, went to the scene to see the damage and bring comfort to the traders.

“I was able to see that six shops went up in smoke. For the moment, we do not know the causes and I think that at the end of the observation, we will have to be located on the real causes. In the meantime, it seems that it is following a short circuit. I say well it would seem. So let’s wait for the conclusions of the findings to be located on the real causes “declared the first vice-president of the special delegation of Kongoussi.

The merchants who were victims of the disaster say they are counting on the support of the municipality and goodwill for the resumption of their activities.

As for the secretary general of the province, he comforted the owners of the shops and then invited the traders to have a spirit of solidarity with the victims of the fire.

Source: Burkina Information Agency