Kombissiri Community Marks Tree Planting Day with Over 7,000 New Saplings

Kombissiri – On a significant communal tree planting day, the town of Kombissiri in the province of Bazèga, Center-South region, saw the planting of over 7,060 plants. This event took place at the city’s solid waste sorting center on Friday, July 26, 2024.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the president of the Special Delegation of the commune of Kombissiri, the tree planting initiative was strategically held at the sorting center as part of the environmental and social management plan (ESMP). The ESMP aims to replenish the forest resources that had been depleted by the earlier developments of the sorting center and the town’s solid waste dump. The day witnessed the planting of 2,060 plants at the sorting center and an additional 5,000 at the landfill outside the city a few days prior.

The event was chaired by the High Commissioner of the Bazèga province, Téné Justine Kientega/Ilboudo, who highlighted the national government’s commitment to environmental sustainability through the national tree day (JNA). The theme for JNA 2024 was ‘Tree, a capital of resilience for endogenous development’. On this occasion, she encouraged the citizens of Kombissiri to actively care for and maintain the newly planted trees, reinforcing the communal spirit and dedication towards environmental conservation.

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