Koaré Village Residents Appeal for Enhanced Security Amid Rising Terrorist Threats

GOURMA — In a direct plea for increased security, the residents of Koaré village in the Eastern region have approached regional governor Ram Joseph Kafando, highlighting the urgent need for protection against frequent terrorist assaults.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the request was made following a series of attacks that culminated in the deaths of three villagers on July 16, 2024. Thiombiano detailed the community’s plight at a meeting in Fada N’Gourma, noting that despite the bravery of local defense volunteers, terrorist incursions continue unabated. The villagers have formally requested the establishment of a permanent military post, comprehensive area sweeps, and expanded recruitment of defense volunteers to bolster security in their area.

Governor Kafando, acknowledging the villagers’ concerns, reassured them of the government’s commitment to enhancing security measures across Burkina Faso to protect its citizens from escalating violence.

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