Kisii Women Representative Calls for Increased Female and Youth Participation in Regional Elections

KISII: Dorice Aburi, Kisii Women representative, is urging women and youth in the Gusii region to vie for elective positions traditionally held by men.

According to Kenya News Agency, who spoke during a community dialogue forum in Marani Sub County, there is significant underrepresentation of women in elected roles. She cited that Kisii has only one female Ward Representative, while the neighboring Nyamira County, with a 20-member County Assembly, has none.

Aburi emphasized that women are equally competent to run for various seats in the Senate and County Assembly, beyond those constitutionally set aside for them. She pledged her support for women and youth in overcoming obstacles such as limited resources and educational qualifications. “Leadership has no limit and does not belong to any specific gender,” Aburi affirmed.

Antony Buluma, CEO of the Kenya Young Parliamentarian Association, who attended the forum, expressed his organization’s commitment to ensuring increased representation of women and youth in elective positions. Buluma advocated for dialogue forums that would enable elected leaders to engage with constituents, thereby improving accountability. He said that outcomes from these dialogues would inform the issues presented in Parliament and the County Assembly for action.

Philip Gichana, Mzalendo Trust Head of Policy and Partnerships, added that the dialogue was part of a broader initiative to understand the barriers preventing female leadership at the grassroots level in Kisii and Nyamira Counties. He aims to comprehend why these communities have never elected a female Member of Parliament and the cultural factors that may be inhibiting support for women leaders.

Statistics from UN Women show a 16 percent increase in women occupying elective seats during Kenya’s 2022 General Election. Despite this, many women, including those from Kisii and Nyamira Counties, were unable to secure seats, facing hurdles from entrenched traditions and norms.

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