Kisii Filmmakers Boost Skills in Film and Video Production Workshop


KISII — In a significant boost to the local film industry, at least 200 filmmakers in Kisii have recently completed a film and video production training program. This initiative, a collaborative effort between the Kenya Film Commission and the Office of the Woman Representative in Kisii County, aimed to equip budding filmmakers with essential skills in the craft. The five-day capacity-building workshop took place at the Woman Representative’s offices in Kisii town, where participants engaged in learning basic filmmaking techniques and received valuable insights from seasoned film professionals.

According to Kenya News Agency, the training culminated in a film festival screening at the Kisii University Amphitheatre, located on the outskirts of Kisii town. Dorice Aburi, the Kisii Woman Representative, praised the Kenya Film Commission for its role in providing participants with the necessary skills to advance their careers in film production, emphasizing the potential for financial stability through their creative endeavors. Aburi highlighted the workshop’s networking opportunities, allowing young filmmakers to connect with peers and share artistic ideas.

Aburi committed to ongoing support for the workshop’s beneficiaries, announcing plans to incorporate them into a self-help group eligible for benefits from the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF). She also called on the national government to increase funding to the Office of the Woman Rep to facilitate further capacity-building training, aiming to enhance the livelihoods of grassroots communities.

Beneficiaries of the training, including Geoffrey Machoka and Veronica Bochere, expressed their gratitude for the workshop, noting it as a pivotal opportunity to acquire specialized skills in film and video production. Lydia Biseri, a local TV station reporter and camera person, shared her experience of learning about filmmaking and scriptwriting at no extra cost, committing to share this knowledge with peers who could not attend the training.

Biseri encouraged the youth to seize similar learning opportunities presented by both county and national governments, underlining the importance of such initiatives in fostering talent and empowering the next generation of filmmakers.