Kirinyaga County Deploys 600 Security Officers for KCPE and KPSEA Exams

Kerugoya — Kirinyaga County Commissioner Naiyoma Tobiko announced the deployment of 600 security officers to oversee examination centers across the county, where 12,500 pupils are taking the KCPE and 13,000 are taking the KPSEA.

According to Kenya News Agency, the remarks were made during the official opening of the KCPE and KPSEA containers in Kerugoya, Kirinyaga County yesterday morning, in the presence of area Member of Parliament Gachoki Gitari.

Tobiko mentioned that a monitoring team will be circulating within the county to ensure that the pupils have a conducive environment throughout the examination period. “So far, there have been no challenges despite the presence of heavy rains, and we are not expecting any,” said Tobiko.

Area Member of Parliament Gachoki Gitari also took the occasion to wish all candidates success in their exams.

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