King Salman Center for Relief efforts highlighted at Human Rights Council in Geneva


Geneva, The King Salman Center for Humanitarian Aid and Relief presented its efforts in favor of Yemen, particularly in the field of mine clearance in this country where approximately two million mines threaten the lives of civilians and this , during two seminars on the humanitarian situation in Yemen held at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on the sidelines of the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council (HRC).


During these two seminars, the representatives of the Centre, namely the director of the department of medical aids and the environment, Dr Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Moallem and the director of the department of community support, Dr Hana Omar Salem, forward the humanitarian action of the center through the “MASAM” project for mine clearance in Yemen.


With a cost of more than 167 million dollars, this program has contributed to the dismantling of more than 358,000 mines threatening the lives of innocent civilians.


The first symposium discussed the humanitarian aid and relief provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Yemen and their role in improving the humanitarian situation in that country.


As for the second seminar, it focused on the problem of the spread of mines in Yemen and the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in terms of mine clearance, within the framework of the “Masam” project, devoted to the elimination of mines laid by the Houthi militia, which have claimed the lives of thousands of children, women and the elderly, caused permanent disabilities, placed a burden on health and care facilities and caused economic losses to individuals and society. Company.


To this end, more than 167 million dollars have been spent so far to dismantle these mines.


This event was also articulated around the efforts made to train and sensitize the Yemenis to the treatment of mines, insofar as more than two million mines are posed through the Yemeni territories.


Emphasis was also placed on the challenges faced by humanitarian action in terms of mine clearance, such as the lack of maps of mine areas and their anarchic distribution, the development of certain types of mines such as anti-tank mines used against individuals and the impact of mines on the present and future of Yemenis, in addition to the importance of action by the international community to prevent the Houthis from laying mines, especially in civilian areas.


The work of the two seminars was attended by the United Nations Office for Landmines, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Mr. William David Gersley, and the United Nations Fund United for Children (UNICEF).


Remember that “Masam” is a Saudi humanitarian project which aims to demine Yemeni lands, as an extension of Riyadh’s efforts in the humanitarian field.


Yemen is facing the spread of a large number of mines on its soil, which have claimed the lives of hundreds of children, women and the elderly and caused permanent disabilities, which have resulted in overcrowding in institutions. health and major economic losses.


The project aims to clear the Yemeni territory, counter direct threats to the lives of citizens, strengthen security, help the Yemeni people cope with the humanitarian tragedies resulting from the spread of mines and establish a mechanism for the Yemeni society which enables it to assume its responsibilities over the long term


The project is implemented through rapid response to respond to emergencies, training and equipping local Yemeni teams and completely clearing different regions in accordance with international mine clearance standards.


Source: Burkina Information Agency