Kimpa Vita University with 1,310 vacancies available for students


The Kimpa Vita University, located in the northern Uíge Province, has 1310 vacancies available for the 2023/2024 academic year, thus surpassing the number of the previous year.

The submission of applications to sit for admission tests began on the 1st of the current month and will end on the 12th.

Of the total vacancies, there are 120 for nursing, 250 for accounting and administration, 220 for computer engineering, 350 for law, 250 for economics, 60 for hydraulic engineering and 60 for agronomy.

Course vacancies must be filled through exams to select students.

Kimpa Vita University has been operating since 2011 and in addition to the courses mentioned above, it also teaches water sanitation.

Source: Angola Press News Agency