Kilifi Introduces Specialized Vehicle to Boost Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting

KILIFI — The Kilifi County Government has unveiled a new high-up vehicle aimed at improving the maintenance of public street lighting and reducing electricity and fuel consumption throughout the county.

According to Kenya News Agency, who spoke during the vehicle’s launch, the Sh16 million investment is part of a broader initiative under the National Energy Policy 2018 to enhance energy efficiency as a crucial element of Kenya’s Vision 2030. The governor underscored the importance of well-maintained street lighting in boosting business activities, security, and revenue in Kilifi, stating that improved lighting has already significantly enhanced the local economy by extending business hours and fostering a 24-hour economic environment.

Governor Mung’aro detailed the operational benefits of the new vehicle, noting that it would reduce costs associated with street light maintenance and eliminate the need for expensive contracts with external contractors. He emphasized that the high-up vehicle would allow for quicker response to emergencies like power outages, ensuring consistent and reliable public lighting. The vehicle is expected to save the county approximately Sh100,000 per day in leasing and maintenance costs previously incurred through the private sector.

In concluding his address, Governor Mung’aro reaffirmed his commitment to sustainable energy initiatives, highlighting their pivotal role in driving economic growth and reducing poverty in the region.

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