Kilgoris Constituency Youth Center Receives Major Technological Boost

KILGORIS – The Kilgoris Constituency Youth Empowerment Center has been equipped with ten new computers and a Wi-Fi connection, in a significant boost provided by Julius Ole Sunkuli, the area’s Member of Parliament. The initiative aims to enhance digital and computer literacy among the local youth, enabling them to compete on a global scale.

According to Kenya News Agency, the details shared during the Constituency’s bursary launch event held at the National Government-Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) Grounds in Kilgoris, Sunkuli also announced the disbursement of Sh20 million as a bursary fund. “We have boosted our youth learning efforts by revamping the facility by installing ten more computers and internet connection,” Sunkuli stated, emphasizing the importance of digital literacy in today’s world.

During the same event, Sunkuli highlighted the youth’s request for the renovation of the facility and the addition of a music production studio to support those with talents in the music sector. “We have some of our youths who are talented in the music industry and they have requested for a recording studio. I have put that into consideration and we will construct a recording studio in support of their talents so that they can succeed in that space,” he remarked.

The legislator further urged parents with children who are out of school to utilize the youth center’s resources to improve their computer and digital skills. He reiterated the significance of these skills in accessing various services, including government services, in line with President William Ruto’s focus on digital literacy.

Maureen Natumoi, an ICT facilitator at the center, described the upgrade as a significant milestone for the youth, who are the primary beneficiaries of the resource center. Before the addition of the new computers, the facility operated with only six computers, making the learning process challenging. “We appreciate Sunkuli for boosting us by providing computers and internet connection in this facility. With the addition of the ten new ones, work will at least be easy,” Natumoi said.

Kevin Kosgei, a participant in the center’s computer literacy program, expressed gratitude towards the MP for his support and expressed hope for further youth-oriented developments, specifically the construction of a music production studio. “We have youths who are talented in music but they have nowhere to record their music because private studios are expensive, especially during these tough economic times,” Kosgei explained.

The enhancement of the Kilgoris Youth Empowerment Center with technology and educational resources marks a significant step towards empowering the local youth with essential skills for the digital age.

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