Kiambu, Kenya – In a move to address its energy needs sustainably, Kiambu County is in the midst of formulating a comprehensive energy plan. This initiative is part of the Sustainable Energy Technical Assistance (SETA) program and marks a critical step toward understanding and meeting the county’s energy requirements responsibly.
According to Kenya News Agency, considerable progress has been made in developing a sustainable county energy plan. The directorate has concluded an extensive baseline study on energy usage at both household and institutional levels as a foundation for this endeavor.
During a meeting dedicated to planning community engagement workshops, Kiambu County Director for Climate Change, Esther Kaguima, indicated that the next phase involves discussions with residents and experts from sectors deemed high-priority. “The goal is to identify energy-related challenges and develop innovative solutions,” Kaguima stated, outlining that sectors such as water, environment, agriculture, transportation, and utilities will be at the forefront of these efforts.
The county is not only focusing on macro-level energy issues but also on the pivotal topic of clean cooking, recognizing its significance across various domains.
David Kuria, the Kiambu County CECM for Environment, Water, Energy, and Natural Resources, shared that the European Union and the national government, through the Ministry of Energy, are providing financial support for this plan. The World Bank, through the Climate Change Institutional Support (CCIS) Grant, has also contributed, enabling the setting up of the necessary committees and frameworks to propel Kiambu’s climate agenda.
Kuria further mentioned that the grant is facilitating a participatory climate risk assessment at the ward levels, laying the groundwork for a county climate change action plan. A technical working group with representatives from multiple county departments is steering these initiatives.
This development comes in response to the Energy Act (2019), which mandates each county to create individual energy plans that will integrate into a National Energy Plan. SETA, backed by EU funding, is currently increasing the capacity of 12 counties, including Kiambu, to fulfill this national objective.