Khomas second division clubs boot exco


Khomas Region Second Division Football Clubs on Saturday held its Extra Ordinary Annual General Meeting (EOAGM) during which they passed a vote of no confidence in their Executive Committee.

Out of the 16 football clubs playing in the Khomas Region Second Division, 13 attended the meeting at the Namibia Football Association (NFA) House in Katutura to decide their future and who should be tasked with reforming one of the country’s feeder leagues.

Of the 13 clubs in attendance, eight passed a vote of no confidence in their exco, while four clubs voted for the exco. Of the 16 member clubs and 13 that turned up on the day, 12 were eligible to vote.

One of the forerunners who called for the Extra Ordinary Annual General Meeting, Immanuel Boois, a representative of City Boys Football, said the Khomas Exco failed to provide reports during the season, which led to the need to review how the league is run.

‘We gave the Khomas Exco 30 days prior to this meeting to prepare a financial statement, a report of the
season that just ended, but the chairperson failed to prepare the financial report,’ he said.

He added that the chairperson’s concern and focus were more on NFA and Khomas Club members’ call for a vote of no confidence and what he termed an unconstitutional EOAGM.

‘After four hours of going back and forth with the Khomas chairman and his exco, the members voted against the current exco. Sixteen clubs were represented. Four clubs were not eligible to vote because they failed to submit their delegate forms,’ he said, adding that the NFA league director Mabos Vries and NFA secretary Jochen Traut were present at the EOAGM, as were Khomas Region Second Division chairperson Peter Ndjulu and one of the exco members. The 16 clubs were represented by their chairpersons.

As a result of the vote of no confidence, the Khomas Exco members, including Peter Ndjulu (chairperson), David Morgan (vice-chairperson), Helge Kapuire, Malakia Sheyanena, Gustav Sheetekela, Abed Kantewa, and Pascal Haingura, are no longer part of t
he Khomas Exco.

An interim committee consisting of Boois, Waldheim Tjitunga and Lazarus Xoagub was voted for to run league matters and is expected to be endorsed after all the due processes are followed, as advised by the NFA representatives present at the meeting.

Source: Namibia Press Agency