Kenya’s Primary School Heads to Lead Junior Secondary Schools


Nairobi, Kenya – In a significant move, the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Ezekiel Machogu, has announced that Primary School Head Teachers will be promoted to lead Junior Secondary Schools, a position equivalent to principals of these schools. This decision recognizes the role of head teachers who have been overseeing students transitioning to grade 7.

According to Kenya News Agency, During the Kenya Primary Schools Head Teachers Association (KEPSHA) Annual General Meeting, Machogu assured the assembly of over 10,000 head teachers that the government will maintain current school fees and focus on prudent use of existing remittances. However, he noted a change in the disbursement of Capitation Funds to schools, shifting from a quarterly system to a ratio of 50:30:20 for the first, second, and third terms respectively.

The Education Secretary urged the head teachers to embrace accountability, inclusivity, and Teacher Professional Development. Collins Oyuu, Secretary General of the Kenya National Union of Teachers, praised the government’s decision to confirm head teachers as principals of Junior Secondary Schools. He said this recognition would motivate teachers, especially those who have pursued further studies.

Oyuu addressed the management challenges of comprehensive schools, affirming that head teachers have successfully handled these responsibilities. He emphasized the necessity of compensating teachers for additional duties and expressed gratitude towards the government for ending delocalization and approving the employment of more teachers.

Furthermore, Oyuu highlighted the need for timely disbursement of capitation funding to avoid inconveniences in schools. He dispelled rumors about the demotion of head teachers, asserting that many of them hold advanced degrees and are well-qualified for their roles.