Kenyan Mother Seeks Financial Aid for Son’s Neurocognitive Treatment in India

NAIROBI — Millicent Arego, a single mother from Nairobi, is seeking financial support to help cover the costs of specialized treatment for her six-year-old son, who has been diagnosed with neurocognitive deficits, and requires care in India.

According to Kenya News Agency, the treatment necessary for her son includes a comprehensive rehabilitation program in India that integrates physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychological counseling, alongside regenerative treatment using autologous bone marrow-derived cell transplantation. The total cost for this treatment is estimated to exceed Sh1.3 million.

Arego detailed her strenuous journey since her son’s diagnosis, which started when he suffered a fall and subsequent convulsions at three years old. Despite extensive medical consultations within Kenya and in neighboring Uganda and Tanzania, local facilities have been unable to provide the necessary care. “We initially rushed him to the nearest hospital, later transferring to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital for advanced imaging tests,” Arego recounted. The results indicated a significant neurological issue.

With her son nearing his seventh birthday in July, time is critical, as specialists have advised that the treatment should occur before he reaches this age. Arego expressed her difficulties in managing her son’s condition, noting his inability to participate in learning activities even in specialized schools due to his challenges.

Arego is reaching out to well-wishers for donations to facilitate her son’s treatment abroad, emphasizing the urgency and her desperation as a mother to see her child receive the help he needs. She has made her contact information available for those willing to assist.

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