
Kenyan Farmers Support National Tree Planting Effort with Ambitious Local Campaign

BOMET – The Kenya National Farmers Federation (KENAFF) has launched a major tree planting campaign in Bomet County, part of a national effort to plant 15 billion trees by 2030. KENAFF has pledged to contribute 1 billion trees to this goal, emphasizing the role of agriculture in environmental conservation.

According to Kenya News Agency, Program Manager at KENAFF, the initiative kicked off with a tree planting event in Seanin, Konoin where over ten thousand seedlings were planted. “This project aligns with the government’s vision for a greener Kenya and underscores our commitment to sustainable farming practices,” Cherono stated at the event. To facilitate this ambitious project, KENAFF has set up three nurseries in Bomet to provide farmers with easy access to affordable, high-quality seedlings.

The event also featured comments from Konoin Assistant County Commissioner Daniel Mutemi, who highlighted the need for continuous environmental efforts, especially in the tea industry, a major economic sector in the region. Mutemi called on the county government to enact policies requiring tea factories to plant trees to offset their environmental impact.

Additionally, Mutemi encouraged young farmers to get involved in tree planting, not only to protect the environment but also as a way to generate income. “Establishing nurseries and selling seedlings can provide sustainable economic opportunities for our youth while contributing to conservation efforts,” he explained.

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