Kenya: President Ruto vows to firmly deal with bandits

NAIROBI— The Kenyan government will deal firmly with drivers of illegal arms in Arid and Semi-Arid areas, said President William Ruto, declaring the move is necessary and urgent as it will nurture peace in these areas.

“We must bring cattle rustling, banditry, ethnic violence and other forms of insecurity to an end,” he said on Monday during the opening of an induction workshop of the Pastoralists’ Parliamentary Group at KICC, Nairobi.

The President asked the MPs to be ingrained in the discourse to foster harmony and stability in Northern Kenya. With stability, the President maintained, the region stands to move forward.

“We must press on with determination in advancing our agenda to unlock the potential of ASALs to mitigate pastoral vulnerability.”

He assured the leaders of the Government’s commitment to fully operationalise the Equalisation Fund, a kitty that aims to provide basic services such as water and roads to marginalised regions.

“We will bring the pastoral economy into play in a decisive and transformative way,” the President noted.

He said it is time the region stopped electing leaders on the basis of their clans but on their vision, plans and development credentials.

Meanwhile, Chiefs and assistant chiefs serving in areas affected by banditry will be issued with firearms to actively support security officers in fighting the menace.

Interior Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Kithure Kindiki, has announced that the move will be preceded by a thorough vetting of the administrators to ascertain their suitability to bear arms and accountability of use of the weapons.

“You cannot expect an officer to pursue criminals and recover stolen livestock using a baton. I have directed the security teams in the counties affected by cattle rustling to vet our chiefs and assistant chiefs so that we can arm them to protect the lives and property of wananchi,” he said.

Speaking in Arbajahan Primary School, Wajir County, Prof Kindiki said the administrators will also be assigned with police officers to capacitate them fight crime and enforce law and order effectively.

The CS also directed that an additional 200 National Police Reservists (NPRs) be recruited in the area as part of efforts to beef up the security sector and provide a sustainable environment for development.

“We won’t have investment and socio-economic growth in Northern Kenya without lasting peace, security and stability. We can only open up this region to investment through improved policing.”

He lauded security officers for their selfless sacrifices in protecting the lives and property of their fellow citizens, and added that the government was keen on progressive deployment of more officers to reinforce security.


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