Kénédougou: The High Commissioner invites students to strictly respect the national colors

The High Commissioner of Kénédougou province, Saïdou Sakira invited Monday, during the rotating ceremony of the raising of national colors, the students of the modern private high school of Orodara (LPMO), in the Hauts-Bassins region to strictly respect the symbols of the country.

At 7 a.m., the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira and his delegation, the staff of the school administration and the students of the modern private high school of Orodara (LPMO) sang in chorus the national anthem, the ditanye .

On the occasion, the first person in charge of the province invited the students to strictly respect the national colors, symbol of a strong and committed nation to meet the challenges of the moment.

M Sakira gave a short course in civics and patriotism while providing advice to students.

The High Commissioner also welcomed the strong mobilization of educational actors around the activity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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