Kénédougou: The Constellation des Savoirs private high school wins the Oratory art competition

The High School Constellation of Knowledge Private High School won on Saturday May 13, 2023 in Orodara, the final of the second edition of the public speaking competition against the provincial high school Diongolo Traoré.

The Gathering of Young Pioneers and Entrepreneurs (RAJEPE) rewarded the best schools that distinguished themselves in Orodara, in the public speaking competition.

The main objective of the competition is to promote reading, research and public speaking.

A total of 09 schools including 12 teams took part in this second edition.

At the end of the competition, the Constellation of Knowledge Private High School won the competition against the Provincial High School Diongolo Traoré de Orodara (LPDTO).

The various teams involved in this Oratory art competition have received participation bonuses from the organizing committee.

The best speakers from each team were also rewarded.

According to the president of RAJEPE, Loé Fousséni Barro, the competition was tough because all the teams had the level.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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