Kénédougou Residents Rally in Support of Sahel State Authorities

ORODARA — Community members from Kénédougou province, alongside a delegation of Malian youth from Sikasso, participated in a cross-border march-meeting on Sunday, September 1, 2024, to express their support for the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) authorities.

According to Burkina Information Agency, president of the provincial coordination of citizen monitoring associations, the march aimed to reinforce local backing for Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the President of Faso, and the AES leaders in their efforts against terrorism. The event began at the Faso Kady cinema in Orodara and proceeded to the Orodara stadium, where numerous speakers and local dignitaries, including the village chief, His Majesty Massa Traoré, echoed messages of support and gratitude towards the heads of state and the military forces engaged in the national territory’s reconquest.

The event not only demonstrated regional solidarity but also included a fundraiser which successfully gathered 1,68,910 FCFA to aid the fighting forces. The meeting was marked by speeches from both local and visiting leaders, with Boubacar Hane, President of the Sikasso Regional Youth Council, acknowledging the importance of the event in strengthening cross-border unity and support for the anti-terrorism efforts.

Oumar Traoré, mission officer of the President of Faso for the Hauts-Bassins region, praised the initiative’s success and urged continued resilience and support from the Kénédougou populations for the government’s efforts. He highlighted the role of youth and community monitoring associations in amplifying the transitional government’s actions and supporting the broader goals of the AES in establishing sovereignty and security in the region.

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