Kénédougou / Rehabilitation of the RN8: A movement is stepping up

The Citizen Movement for the Rehabilitation of National Road No. 8 (MCR-RN8) hosted a press conference on the morning of Saturday May 13, 2023 in Orodara to discuss the state of progress of the RN8 asphalting file.

It was for the Citizen movement for the rehabilitation of the RN8 (MCR-RN8), during this press briefing, to provide information to the media on the state of progress of the file of asphalting of the National road N°8 (RN8).

According to the coordinator of the MCR-RN8, Ousmane Traoré, the fight started almost a year ago has made significant progress to date because it has made it possible to obtain the rehabilitation of the 76 km long Bobo-Orodara section.

To this is added, he underlined, also the award of the contract to the group of companies SOGEDIM SARL BTP / SOBATRAP for a financial envelope of more than 12 billion with an execution period of 18 months excluding the rainy season.

He also suggested that the latest information in their possession reveals that the company received the notification of the service order on April 26.

Another point mentioned is the recruitment of the control office.

The MCR-RN°8 praised the resilience of the local populations who carry out actions to plug potholes but noted that the effectiveness of the allocation only took place on April 26, 2023.

Thus, he aims in the coming days to launch a plea for the start of the file of this section by the new authorities of the country.

For those responsible for MCR-RN8, despite the slowness surrounding the progress of the file, they are aware that the end of the tunnel is near.

The movement also wants to strengthen the capacities of its focal points in terms of citizen monitoring and public awareness.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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