Kénédougou Province Records 30.85% Pass Rate in First Round of 2024 BAC Examinations

KÉNÉDOUGOU – The province of Kénédougou reported a 30.85% success rate in the first round of the 2024 Baccalauréat (BAC) exams, according to results released on the morning of Thursday, June 27, 2024.

According to Burkina Information Agency, out of 1,832 candidates registered for this session, including 1,138 boys and 700 girls, 1,822 candidates actually participated, comprising 695 girls and 1,127 boys. Of those, 562 candidates successfully passed the first round of exams, with 234 girls and 328 boys achieving the necessary marks to advance.

This pass rate represents the combined efforts and achievements of students across the province in one of the most crucial academic challenges in their educational career.

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