Kénédougou Province Embarks on Reforestation Effort with 400 New Plantings

ORODARA, KÉNÉDOUGOU — In a significant environmental initiative, the Dozo sans frontières brotherhood of Orodara spearheaded a reforestation operation on Saturday, July 27, 2024, planting 400 new trees across multiple sites in the city in collaboration with local environmental and governmental bodies.

According to Burkina Information Agency, president of the Dozo Sans Frontières brotherhood, the event was part of a broader government-endorsed campaign that kicked off on June 21, 2024, in Bobo-Dioulasso, aimed at bolstering national efforts to enhance vegetation cover. The campaign’s launch was presided over by the Prime Minister, representing the Head of State, emphasizing its significance within the transitional government’s national environmental policy.

The reforestation session, which took place in collaboration with the high commissioner of Orodara and the provincial department in charge of the environment, targeted strategic locations including the high police station, the August 4th stadium, the local gendarmerie company, and the headquarters of the Dozo brotherhood itself. Lucie Kando/Zongo, the provincial director responsible for the Environment, expressed satisfaction with the enthusiastic participation from various stakeholders, highlighting the community’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Saïdou Sakira, the high commissioner of the Kénédougou province, underscored the importance of not only planting trees but also ensuring their ongoing care and protection to achieve lasting environmental benefits. This dual focus on both reforestation and subsequent maintenance marks a critical step forward in the region’s ecological efforts.

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