Kaya Workshop Trains Local Leaders in Conflict Resolution Techniques

KAYA — Over 40 local leaders in Kaya participated in a two-day training session focused on mediation, negotiation, and non-violent communication to aid in conflict resolution and enhance social cohesion.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the training took place on April 16 and 17, 2024, involving religious and customary authorities, community organizations, and decentralized technical services from the Center-North region. The initiative was part of a broader project titled ‘Strengthening the resilience and social cohesion of populations affected by crises and the impacts of climate change in the central-North region’. This project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, aims to fortify the resilience and social networks of local communities for sustainable development and peace.

During the sessions, trainer Harouna Ouédraogo presented two modules addressing the principles and techniques essential for managing disputes effectively. He highlighted the current challenges in the North-Central region, such as the security crisis leading to significant displacement and escalating conflicts over resources and land. Ouédraogo emphasized the importance of using non-violent communication throughout the resolution process to foster understanding and cooperation among conflicting parties.

Participants also learned about Non-Violent Communication (NVC), a method designed to facilitate the peaceful resolution of conflicts through empathetic listening and transparent dialogue. The training underscored the need for respecting cultural diversity and fostering collaboration to achieve equitable and lasting solutions to conflicts.

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