Kapelibok Farmers Receive Agricultural Support Ahead of Planting Season

TURKANA SOUTH, Kenya – Farmers in Kapelibok, Kaputir Ward of Turkana South Sub-County, have received a significant boost from the County Department of Agriculture, led by Director Aaron Nanok, in preparation for the upcoming planting season. The department distributed essential farming resources including tools and certified seeds to local farmers.

According to Kenya News Agency, this support is part of a livelihoods support programme run by VSF Germany, which has been aiding Kapelibok farmers for the past three years. The programme has provided crucial resources like water, farm tools, seeds, and livestock vaccinations. Nanok emphasized the importance of involving the County Government and farmers in the decision-making process for purchasing seeds, ensuring that the needs of the local agricultural community are met.

The initiative aligns with the Governor’s agenda on food security and aims to scale up and commercialize food production. County Cooperatives Officer Gabriel Okata expressed appreciation to VSF Germany for their support, noting that the distributed seeds are expected to cover 750 hectares of land. VSF Project Lead Francis Lolimo reiterated the organization’s commitment to supporting over 800 farmers across Kapelibok, Juluk, and Nawepeto Irrigation Schemes, contributing to the reduction of malnutrition in the area.

The event was also attended by Sub-County Agricultural Officer Francis Ekumu, Sub-County Crop Officer Lucy Angiror, VSF Germany Project Manager Peter Mutevu, and Ward Administrator Simon Koloi.

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